Equine Metabolic Syndrome

LLOYD, Inc. is the pioneer in levothyroxine replacement therapy for horses. Thyro-L®, the gold standard for levothyroxine supplement in horses was developed to provide a highly reliable and stable thyroxine replacement for predictable therapeutic results.

As the pioneer, LLOYD is supporting and funding original research into the etiology of equine metabolic syndrome. The research is on-going and new developments will be reported as the results of the studies are available.

We would like to thank Nicholas Frank, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Associate Professor Large Animal Internal Medicine, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, for his dedication and insight for leading the research in determining the effects of levothyroxine therapy on insulin resistance and its relationship with obesity in laminitis-prone horses.

We invite you to reference the most recent development in equine metabolic syndrome by clicking on the article(s) below.
